Monday, October 19, 2009

500 days of Summer is a must watch.

It's not a love story per se. Rather, it's about .. relationships. Or at least, one specific relationship from a guy's point of view. It's difficult to tell you what it's about in detail without spoiling the show for you.

Just catch it - you won't regret this one.

We headed to Urbanpooch over the weekend and it was disappointing, to say the least. Dark, dank, a lil filthy and extremely overpriced. I paid almost 60 dollars for 3 people to dine there and it isn't even air conditioned! The food was mediocre at best and the room to house the dogs while you 'enjoy your meal' was... well, lets just say I decided *not* to put Genie in there after one look.

k9 Kafe gives a much more enjoyable experience at a fraction of the price. I paid 60 dollars for 5 or 6 people to dine at k9 kafe. and the food at k9 is much more edible.

Alright now, I better get back to work. Need to come up with an article before 5 today.

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