Monday, October 26, 2009

Another weekend gone by. And I haven't found time to make adjustments on the blog either. The background picture has... disappeared. I may be going for new design, but am really lazy, so in the meantime, please bear with the icky blog until I find the time and energy to make changes (i.e when I go on leave from work in late Nov)

Had dinner with Shimin on Friday (Melvin incl.). We went to Empire State, if I recall the name correctly, at Iluma. Food was good, as expected. I really enjoy eating there - feel like such a pig, shovelling food into my mouth.

Shimin had their squid ink pasta and she agreed it was great. Seems the black pasta is really popular. I saw quite a number of people eating it. Melvin almost burst trying to finish his hamburger steak and chocostrawberry milkshake. I had a Caeser's Salad and three pieces.. of... something. Bruschetta, I believe they're called. Very yummy. Each huge piece had different toppings. Mushroom/cheese... tomato/olive oil/herb...chicken.. very yummy.

Now don't you think I'm going on diet... the reason behind the 'light' dinner is because we planned for cake and tea at Teadot after dinner. haha!

The wildjackfruit cake was ohhh.. heavenly. Melvin and I made sure we bought a slice back for his mom. The strawberry tiramisu... well.. we couldn't taste the tiramisu in the cake. The tea we ordered... OMG like fantastic. I dont think Shimin really enjoyed her tea because she'd ordered a brewed earl grey.. without milk/sugar. I had this concoction of earl grey latte + caramel. It was smooth and creamy, though the aroma was a little diluted because of the milk. Min's brewed earl grey definitely had a stronger taste/scent. Melvin had Macha? Some green tea thingy that I thought was horrid, but he enjoyed it.

Food aside, company and conversation was great. We didn't do anything much except eat and gush over pretty musical boxes at one of the Iluma Shops, but it was fab that we managed to catch up with Shimin and chitchat over nothing at all.

Naturally, we talked about mutual friends and aquintances. No one was spared :P Then we got into the depressing topic of old folks dying. This was brought up because Melvin's maternal grandparents (yes, both of them) landed in hospital last week for different reasons. One had piles, was warded and somehow picked up a viral infection at the hospital, while the other had a stroke. Now the two are quite 'blur'. They don't seem to know what's going on around them sometimes. The family thinks dementia may be setting in. So Shimin shared her experience about her grandmother etc.

I sat there thinking if it comes to point where I'm bedridden and have to be fed by a tube, please kill me. Don't let me linger for 5 or 6 years.. in fact, don't let me linger at all. I mean, what's the point in living if i'm stuck on a bed, can't enjoy food, can't do anything.. There is no dignity in a life like that. Hell, I can't even scold the nurses if they something wrong, ya'know?

Anyhow. Depressing topic aside...

Big Congrats to Hui Jing! She's in her 2nd trimester so here's wishing for her to have a healthy, happy pregnancy + baby.

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