Tuesday, May 27, 2014


It is now officially 2 days past the 3 day transfer. Bed rest is driving me crazy. As I type this on my phone, I'm seated on the sofa, trying to watch TV.

I don't feel tired. In fact, I'm feeling quite energetic today! My bloat has disappeared, though my boobs still hurt. Progesterone has that effect on me. Sore boobs.

I was a bit worried because I was spotting last night. It was just a bit of light brown. So I called the clinic and was told that I should just rest more. I'm still worried though, because I have abit of brown cm.

I felt the need to get up and do something. So I went to make red date and longan tea. Except I forgot about it while watching TV and had to jump from the couch and run to the kitchen to turn off the stove. Umm. Then I remembered I'm supposed to stay as inert as possible. Bah.

Thing is, I don't feel pregnant. I know I should be very careful, take it easy and all. But I'm bored..
In fact, I'm half convinced I have already lost the embryos because of last night's spotting. It's just that so many things have happened.. Things that I don't blog about... Have me convinced that this wouldn't work. From the weird protocol the clinic has me on, to all the reports on how a vast number of embryos stop developing at day 4 (1dp3dt) I'm still hoping it'll all work out. But I can't bring myself to really believe that this will work. Maybe I'm just afraid of the disappointment. Like I said before, I don't know what I'll do if this doesn't work.

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