Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Headache and self pity

The headache is getting to me. My head hurts like it's being clamped hard after every jab.  It hurts for a few hours in the morning after my lupron jab, and a few hours at night after my gonal f jab. As a result, I've been really cranky in school and don't really feel like talking to anyone.

I also realised that my right lower abdomen heals faster than my left lower abdomen. Because I'm running out of places to jab on the left side. It looks all... dotted. Makes me wish I'd asked Melvin to inject in neat rows... At least it doesn't look so messy. I think the injection marks all over my tummy contribute to the headache.

OK. I'm just whining now. I realise I've done nothing but complain on this blog since the IVF process started.

I have been reading publications on pubmed on how sperm morphology affects pregnancy rates for IVF and was quite worried to find out that sperm morphology doesn't affect fertilization rate with ICSI BUT... there is a higher miscarriage rate for embryos fertilized by abnormal sperm.

*sigh* I suppose it does kinda make sense. We are essentially forcing defective sperm to fuse with an egg cell in hope that a normal child will be produced. Naturally, quite a number of such fertilized eggs won't be viable. Plus the fact that the male DNA doesn't kick in until after day 4, it probably makes it even harder for the embryologist to pick out a good blastocyst for implantation. So if the male side is 'weak', I suppose the miscarriage will happen.

I really really hope we can get this over and done with the first time around because I haven't really given thought of what is next. Between finances and how difficult it is to get time off work, there may not be a second IVF for me.

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