Saturday, May 17, 2014

Follicles are not growing fast enough

I did a scan after 9 days on 300 units of Gonal F and it is apparent that my follicles are not growing fast enough.

I have one follicle at 14, two at about 12 then another three or four at 10.

And we need them to be at 18.

Dr Yu wants me to stim for three more days to see if the smaller ones can catch up.

I don't know why my body isn't responding to the Gonal F. Was it the long 2 week supression stage?

I'm worried because there have been studies that show a lower success rate when the woman stims for more than 12 days. This is because egg quality peaks at about 9 - 12 days then it drops from there. So if one stims for more than 12 days, egg quality will definitely be affected.

Yet the alternative was to just trigger and get that 1 - 3 eggs. Which isn't quite enough for IVF because with three eggs, none may turn out viable.

Some ladies get 20 - 30 eggs! Why is my follicle count so low? It's not like I'm 40 and my egg reserve is low. Could it be due to the consecutive use of clomid and my ovaries need a rest? I really don't know.

Just quite bummed over how this is progressing.

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