Monday, April 18, 2016

30 Weeks - Movement has changed

There has been less kicks/punches from the little one this past week. Instead, the movement has mostly been turns or squirms. Sometimes it feels as though he's knuckling me from inside! I guess he's running out of room in there.

I've been a little concerned over the past 2 weekends because he gets a little quiet after prenatal yoga. I started on prenatal yoga a few weeks back and I've noticed that there is very little (almost none) movement from him on Saturdays and Sundays. Then Monday comes along and he is active again. Someone has suggested that perhaps the yoga movement soothes and calms the baby. I certainly hope that's the case!

I've been trying my best not to yell at my class. The daily yelling cannot be good for baby. But really, those kids... *sigh* Today, while I was dealing with one group, one of the boys from another group decided to combine his highlighter fluid with the water provided for the experiment... then he made a big mess on the table. I lost it. I lost it not just because he messed up the place. There were several reasons.

1. He was rude to the EL teacher (first period)
2. He made fun of his classmate's name (3rd period)
3. He was inattentive, his work not done, his experimental results were... non-existent. Then he decided to fool around during lab. (6th period)

So yes, I lost it. Yelled again.

I heard more complaints from teachers after that... So annoyed.

Anyway, baby gets verrrryyy quiet when I'm yelling.. and he stays pretty quiet for the time after yelling. So maybe he hides from mommy cos mommy yells too much :(
At some point I'm just going to chill and go "Yes, you kids go ahead. He took your pencil? Here's another. He did what else? OK you, just stand here. yes, stand here and don't move. don't speak. don't let me notice your existence for 15 minutes"

God. I can't stand young kids. Ironic, isn't it?

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