Wednesday, August 25, 2004

And suddenly, school work piles. *sigh* i attended my first computing lab today. Let's say it took me a long time to learn this:

/* This program just sends a greeting 'why me?' as output. It has no input */
#include < stdio.h >
main () {
printf ("why me?\n"); }

or something like that. can someone correct me? Prof Nebus had to rescue me numerous times from the computer ( which was furiously beeping away, which in turn caused me to bang on the keyboard RATHER furiously as well ) You would wonder if he was rescuing me from the computer, or rescuing it from my violent 'administrations'..

Anyhow, bleh. first assignment due in 2 weeks. help!

Then of course, I do have a chemistry test tomorrow. AND a chemistry tutorial on friday.. Have been trying to convince myself that doing the tutorial is a good way for revision ( same topics for test, after all ).. well.. I told myself that studying for the test is a good idea ( that happened at 5pm ).. and its now.. 8.40pm? and i haven't started on it. have made a start tho. At least I took my notes out from the file.. and its currently err... staring at me while i type away.

Grats to Yewzhen and Vynnie, who have both passed the first round of interviews at that overseas college thingy! *cheer* Best of luck for the 2nd one mates. Heard from Yewzhen that a powerpoint ppt is required *wrinkles nose* Have fun. Heh. *smirk*

Something's not quite right with Melvin lately. He's suddenly msging me alot.. not that i'm complaining.. hell, i'm pleased. Just.. well.. ah well, nevermind. i'll enjoy it while it lasts eh? *coos at Melvin* *giggles madly*

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