Thursday, August 12, 2004

*sigh* Orchid hybrid pollination. Thought i had enough of orchid hybrids back in JC years. The lab for dev bio wasnt TOO bad. we cross pollinated a few orchids and have to observe the seed pod growth over the next few weeks. Pea plants were also err... planted. one row with hormone treatment, one row without. The inconvenience comes in the daily watering the plants need.. And someone needs to head back to the lab everyday to keep an eye on the cauliflower tissue culture.. *rubs temples* i hope the orchids won't die on my group. and PLEASE let the pea plant grow. We may have drowned a few seeds due to over-enthusiastic watering. *wrinkles nose*

Spent the whole afternoon wanting to throw up. I think it's the guava drink i had.. coz my stomach felt all weird after that drink.. and soon after, i started feeling queasy. remind me nvr to drink guava juice things again.

*cringe* my ears.. its a lil hard having ventrilo on.. i turn my headphones up to full vol so i can actually HEAR ppl talk.. then when msn msger makes a sound.. my ear-drums split. On 2 occasions, i disconnected from Ventrilo, forgot that i had my headphones on full volume.. and pressed 'play' on my player *wince* my ears..

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