Friday, January 08, 2016

15 weeks

I had another scan this week. Dr Tan wanted to try and see the if the bean is a boy or girl. Unfortunately, it didn't work out because not only had the naughty bean had crossed its legs, and the umbilical cord was in between the crossed legs. Dr Tan made a remark like "Blocked to the max.. so modest". Very uncooperative fetus, this one.

I've been having sharp tummy pains these few weeks (and weird pulling sensations). Dr Tan said something about muscle strain because of the growing uterus. Or something like that. I wanted to ask her about bladder control but I forgot. Yes people, I leak. It's so gross. Only happens when I sneeze. Still gross though.

On the bright side, the nausea has pretty much subsided. I eat very well now and my energy is definitely back. So much so that I forget I'm pregnant at times.. Gave my colleagues a scare the other day when I started running to the next class. Well.. in my defense.. I was 5 minutes late for class...

Dr Tan has informed me that she will be away from 14 June - 24 June. She is letting me know in advance cos my due date about then and I may want to plan for another doctor instead. I'm not sure if I should take the chance.. I'm very comfortable with Dr Tan and the care leading up to birth is just as important as the birth itself. Do gynaes play a big part in the delivery room? I thought the nurses play a bigger part. I must find out more and make my decision soon. *sigh*

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